There Are No Available Appointments at the Selected Location. Please Try Again Later.

United States of America US Visa Image

After completing your DS-160, the next step in your visa application is to schedule US visa appointment. This requires paying the visa fee and selecting the location and date for your visa interview. Some countries require an additional engagement for biometrics at a Visa Application Center.

The US visa engagement available dates vary from country to country and location to location. You lot can check the current wait times for visa appointments at the Bureau of Consular Affairs website.

You can schedule U.s.a. visa date anywhere in the globe. If yous are traveling and would need to schedule your The states visa interview appointment in a third state, you can very well do then.

It is non mandatory to schedule your appointment in the same location every bit in your DS-160. You are expected to schedule your appointment at the same location. Simply if y'all accept to attend your visa interview at a different location, you are notwithstanding allowed to do and then.

You must consummate the DS-160 form prior to scheduling your US visa appointment. If you lot haven't yet, follow this detailed step-by-footstep guide on how to fill DS-160 form online for US visa.

  • PART 1: Asia, Primal America, parts of Europe, Africa and the Middle East
    1. New User Registration
    2. Visa Type
    3. Location
    4. Language
    5. Visa Category
    6. Visa Grade
    7. Review
    8. Personal Information
    9. Dependents
    10. Age
    11. Previous Visas
    12. Documentation Commitment
    13. Payment Options
      1. Electronic fund transfer (ETF) from a local bank account
      2. Greenbacks payment at a designated local banking concern
      3. Land-specific local payment options (mobile payments, wallets, etc.
    14. Schedule Fingerprints and Photo Date (applicable simply in some countries)
    15. Schedule Visa Interview Appointment
  • Role 2: North and Due south America, parts of Europe, Africa and the Middle Due east
    1. Profile Creation
      1. Sign Up
      2. Activate Your Business relationship
    2. Applicant Information
      1. New Bidder
      2. Confirm Bidder and Visa Information
      3. Special Weather condition
      4. Dependents
    3. Courier Details
    4. Payment
      1. Pay by Cash
      2. Pay past Credit Card
    5. Schedule
    6. Instructions
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Conclusion

How to use this step-by-step guide?

There are two websites for scheduling US visa appointments. Which website to use depends on the country where you plan to schedule your visa appointment

This step-by-pace guide is divided into 2 parts. Part 1 walks you lot through the process to schedule US visa appointments in Asia, Primal America, parts of Europe, Africa and the Middle E. Whereas, PART two walks you through the procedure for N and S America, parts of Europe, Africa and the Eye East.

  • Office ane: Schedule US visa appointment in Asia, Central America, parts of Europe, Africa and the Middle Due east
  • PART ii: Schedule Us visa date in Northward and South America, parts of Europe, Africa and the Centre East

I have listed out all sections and questions in this guide. For each question, there is a comment explaining what exactly needs to be entered.


PART one: Schedule United states visa appointment in Asia, Central America, parts of Europe, Africa and the Centre East

Determine the land where yous program to schedule your U.s.a. visa engagement. If the country is in the beneath list, keep with instructions here from PART i. If not Become TO Function 2.


  • People's republic of bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • Kingdom of cambodia
  • Prc
  • Hong Kong
  • Republic of india
  • Indonesia
  • Japan
  • Republic of kazakhstan
  • Laos
  • Macau
  • Malaysia
  • Mongolia
  • Nepal
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • S Korea
  • Sri Lanka
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam


  • Australia
  • Republic of the fiji islands
  • New Zealand


  • Austria
  • Republic of belarus
  • Bulgaria
  • Czech republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Republic of finland
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Republic of hungary
  • Latvia
  • Republic of lithuania
  • Moldova
  • Kingdom of norway
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Slovakia
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Ukraine

MIDDLE Eastward

  • Bahrain
  • Jordan
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Kingdom of saudi arabia


  • Algeria
  • Burkina Faso
  • Arab republic of egypt
  • Gambia
  • Ghana
  • Côte d'Ivoire
  • Liberia
  • Morocco
  • Nigeria
  • Sierra Leone
  • Tunisia

Cardinal AMERICA

  • Costa Rica
  • El salvador
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama

Caribbean area

  • Haiti
  • Dominican Republic
Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia
U.s.a. Travel Docs Homepage

Before you jump into creating your contour and filling your date application, you must first read through the instructions thoroughly. Below are the steps to get to the instructions.

  • Head over to the U.s. Travel Docs website
  • Select the land from the map where y'all would like to schedule your appointment
  • Select "Aye" to the question "Is this your kickoff time applying for a visa and/or visiting our site?"
  • Select "Nonimmigrant" to the question "Are you applying for a nonimmigrant or immigrant visa?"
  • Nonimmigrant visa information and instructions volition be displayed
  • Read through the instructions to familiarize yourself with the application, the steps and the payment options

01. New User Registration

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Login
US Travel Docs Login folio

After you read through the instructions, follow the below steps to annals a new profile.

  • Go to the US Travel Docs website
  • Select the country from the map where you would similar to schedule your appointment
  • Select "No" to the question "Is this your first time applying for a visa and/or visiting our site?"
  • Click on "Create Account" push under "APPLY FOR A U.Southward. VISA"
  • You lot will be taken to "New User Registration" section
Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - New User Registration
New User Registration page

Enter the following information in "New User Registration" section

  • Select State For Visa [Comment: State will automatically exist displayed. This field is non editable]
  • E-mail [Comment: Enter your e-mail where you would like to receive communication]
  • First Name [Annotate: Enter your given name from the passport]
  • Last Name [Comment: Enter your concluding name or surname from the passport]
  • Countersign [Comment: Enter a new password for your contour]
  • Confirm Password [Comment: Enter the same password as you entered to a higher place]
  • I have read and understood the Privacy Policy [Comment: Check this box]
  • Type in the characters displayed in the box below [Comment: Enter the captcha]

Click on the "Submit" push button to register a new profile. Make a notation of your username (your email) and password. Y'all volition need these credentials to save and come back to your application later.

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - New Application

Click on "New Application/Schedule Date" from the left side menu to outset scheduling your appointment. When you lot click on "New Awarding/Schedule Engagement", y'all will be taken to "Visa Type" section.

02. Visa Blazon

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Visa Type
Visa Type page

Enter the post-obit information

  • Select whether you are applying for a Nonimmigrant Visa or an Immigrant Visa [Comment: Select "Nonimmigrant Visa" for B1/B2. If you are scheduling an appointment for other types of visas such equally H1B, L1, etc, select the appropriate type]
    • Immigrant Visa
    • Nonimmigrant visa

Click on "Continue" to go to the "Location" section.

03. Location

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Location
Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Location
Location folio

Enter the following information

  • Please Select Your Country or State of Residence [Comment: Select the location where yous desire to schedule your visa appointment]

Click on "Go on" to get to the "Linguistic communication" department.

04. Language

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Language
Language page

Enter the following information

  • Linguistic communication Of Interview [Comment: Enter the language in which you want to requite your visa interview. Y'all will be asked questions in this linguistic communication]

Click on "Continue" to go to "Visa Category" department.

05. Visa Category

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Visa Category
Visa Category page

Enter the following information

  • Delight select a visa category that applies to y'all [Annotate: Select "Business/Tourism, Crew and All Other Visas" from the options]
    • Business organisation/Tourism, Crew and All Other Visas
    • Students and Exchange Visitors
    • L1 (Blanket)
    • H&L visas

Click on "Go along" to get to "Visa Class" section.

06. Visa Form

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Visa Class
Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Visa Class
Visa Class page

Enter the following data

  • Select Visa Class: [Comment: Select "B1/B2 – Company FOR Business AND Pleasance" from the options]
    • B1 – Visitor FOR BUSINESS
    • B1/B2 – VISITOR FOR Business organisation AND PLEASURE

Click on "Continue" to get to "Review" section.

07. Review

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Review
Review page

Enter the following information

  • Please brand sure all selected information is correct before continuing [Comment: Review the data and make sure everything you take entered is correct so far]

Click on "Proceed" to go to "Personal Information" section.

08. Personal Data

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Personal Data
Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Personal Data
Personal Data page

Enter the following information

    • Passport Number [Comment: Enter you lot passport number every bit in your passport and DS-160]
    • Passport Issuance Engagement [Comment: Enter your passport event date]
    • Passport Issuance Identify [Annotate: Enter your passport place of effect]
    • Passport Expiration Date [Annotate: Enter your passport expiration date]
    • Engagement of Nativity [Annotate: Enter your appointment of birth as shown in your passport]
    • Nationality [Annotate: Enter your nationality]
    • First Name [Annotate: Enter your given name from your passport]
    • Terminal Name [Annotate: Enter your terminal name or surname from your passport]
    • Country of Nascence [Comment: Enter your state of nascency]
    • Gender [Comment: Enter your gender]
    • DS-160 Confirmation Number [Annotate: Enter your DS-160 confirmation number]
  • CONTACT Data
    • Phone Number [Annotate: Enter your phone number]
    • Mobile Telephone [Comment: Enter your mobile number]
    • Email [Comment: Enter your email]
  • MAILING Accost
    • Address Line 1 [Comment: Enter your accost]
    • City [Annotate: Enter your metropolis]
    • Country [Comment: Enter your state]
    • Postal Code [Comment: Enter your postal/nix code]

Click on "Continue" to go to "Dependents" department.

09. Dependents

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Dependents
Dependents page

Enter the following information

  • Please click "Add together by Proper noun" or "Add Existing Bidder" if you have a group/family member (including a kid) who needs to apply for a visa with you. [Annotate: Click on the "Add by Name" button to add together the dependents that need to attend the visa interview with you]
Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Dependents
Add together/Edit Dependent page

If yous would demand to add together your dependents, click on "Add by Name" button and enter the following information.

  • Relationship [Comment: Select the relationship of your dependent from the options]
    • Spouse
    • Child
    • Father
    • Mother
    • Girl
    • Son
    • Other
  • DS-160 Confirmation # [Annotate: Enter your dependent's DS-160 confirmation number]
  • First Name [Annotate: Enter your dependent's given proper noun from the passport]
  • Concluding Proper noun [Comment: Enter your dependent's last proper noun or surname from the passport]
  • Gender [Comment: Select your dependent'southward gender]
  • Date of Nascency [Comment: Enter your dependent's date of birth as shown on the passport]
  • Country of Birth [Comment: Enter your dependent's country of nativity]
  • Nationality [Annotate: Enter your dependent's nationality
  • Passport Number [Comment: Enter your dependent's passport number]
  • Passport Issuance Engagement [Annotate: Enter your dependent's passport date of issue]
  • Passport Issuance Identify [Annotate: Enter your dependent'south passport place of issue]
  • Passport Expiration Engagement [Comment: Enter your dependent'south passport date of expiration]
  • Primary Phone # [Comment: Enter your dependent's primary telephone number]
  • Alternative Phone # [Comment: Enter your dependent'south alternative phone number]
  • Email [Comment: Enter your dependent'south email]

Click on "Save" to save your dependent'southward data.

If you accept more than one dependent that needs to attend the visa interview with yous, click on "Add together by Name" to add more dependents.

When finished adding all your dependents, click on "Go on" to become to "Historic period" section.

ten. Age

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Age
Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Age
Historic period page

Enter the following information

  • Are you (the visa applicant) under 14 years or historic period? [Comment: Click "No" to continue]
  • Are y'all (the visa applicant) 80 years of age or older? [Annotate: Click "No" to go on]

xi. Previous Visas

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Previous Visas
Previous Visas page

Enter the following data

  • Do you have a previous B-ane/B-2 visa (visitor visa)? [Comment: Click "No" to continue. Click "Yes" if you had a previous B1/B2 visa]

If you select "Yep" to the above question, you volition exist asked a few questions to determine if you authorize for the visa renewal and interview waiver.

12. Documentation Delivery

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Documentation Delivery
Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Documentation Delivery
Documentation Delivery page

Enter the following information

  • Specify Documentation Delivery [Comment: Select "Pick Up" or "Commitment" from the options]
    • Pick Up [Annotate: Select this option if you would similar to pick up your passport from visa application center or courier caput function]
    • Commitment [Comment: Select this pick if you would like to receive your passport by mail to your home]

Click on "Continue" to go to the "Payment Options" section.

13. Payment Options

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Payment Options
Payment Options page

On this screen, you lot volition see different payment options. Click on each option to see the instructions on how to make the visa fee payment.

At this point, the visa application is already saved. Familiarize yourself with the payment options and pick the payment method that works best for you.

Bachelor Payment Methods

  1. Electronic fund transfer (ETF) from a local bank account
  2. Cash payment at a designated local depository financial institution
  3. Country-specific local payment options (mobile payments, wallets, etc)

a. Electronic fund transfer (ETF) from a local bank business relationship

Follow the beneath steps to pay your visa fee by electronic fund transfer

  • On this screen, select Electronic Fund Transfer
  • A unique account number volition be displayed
  • Brand a annotation of this unique account number as yous will need this to make your visa appointment
  • Make an electronic fund transfer to this unique account number from your local bank business relationship

You volition be able to schedule your appointment on the next business twenty-four hour period later the visa fee payment is made.

If more details such every bit bank proper noun, bank address, etc are required to brand an electronic fund transfer, those details will also be displayed along with the unique business relationship number.

You must transfer the right amount. Incorrect amounts can lead to delays.

b. Greenbacks payment at a designated local bank

Follow the beneath steps to pay your visa fee by cash at a designated local banking company

  • On this screen, select Cash at Bank
  • A link to download/print the visa application deposit/drove slip will be displayed
  • Print the visa application deposit/drove slip
  • Fill up all the necessary details on the eolith/collection slip
  • Take the deposit slip with you to the bank and make the visa fee payment
  • You will be given a receipt, salvage the deposit slip and receipt

You will be able to schedule your appointment on the next business solar day after the visa fee payment is made.

c. Country-specific local payment options (mobile payments, wallets, etc)

Follow the below steps to pay your visa fee past a local payment pick such as mobile payment, wallet, etc. These options differ from land to country.

  • On the payment screen, select your country specific local payment option (such as mobile, wallet, etc)
  • Instructions on how to make the payment will be displayed
  • Brand the visa fee payment and brand a notation of the receipt or transaction number

You will be able to schedule your engagement the next business organization twenty-four hour period later the visa fee payment is made.

Later on the payment, come dorsum to the website and login with your credentials. You will meet a "Continue" option on the left side menu. When yous click this "Continue" selection, you will be taken straight to the "Payment" screen.

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Login
Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Login
Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Payment
Payment page

Enter the post-obit data on the "Payment" screen

  • Receipt Number [Comment: Enter the receipt number of your visa fee payment]

Click "Proceed" to schedule your visa appointment.

If your receipt has become active, yous will be taken to the schedule appointment screen. If non, yous will be shown an fault saying that the receipt number is non valid. In that case, effort over again afterward some time. Remember that the receipt number becomes agile on the next working 24-hour interval of your payment.

If y'all are renewing your previous visa, y'all may come across an additional screen request to select your visa priority. Y'all may run across 2 options – "Regular" and "No Show". You must select "Regular". "No Show" is for those who couldn't make it to their previous appointment only using the same visa fee receipt number to schedule another date.

14. Schedule Fingerprints and Photo Appointment (applicative only in some countries)

On this screen, pick the date and time for your fingerprints and photo engagement.

Click on "Continue".

Print your fingerprints and photo appointment confirmation. You will need a copy of this date confirmation for your fingerprints and photograph.

Appointment for fingerprints and photo is ONLY REQUIRED in certain countries such as India, United mexican states, etc. The appointment for fingerprints and photo must be scheduled at least one day ahead of your actual visa interview at the Embassy or Consulate.

15. Schedule US Visa Interview Appointment

On this screen, pick the engagement and fourth dimension for your visa interview appointment.

Click on "Continue".

Schedule US Visa Appointment in Asia - Appointment Confirmation
Appointment Confirmation

Print your US visa interview appointment confirmation. You will need a copy of your appointment confirmation for your visa interview.

The appointment for visa interview must be scheduled at least 1 day after your fingerprint and photograph engagement.

The US visa appointment available dates can vary profoundly from location to location. There may be several days await in certain countries and cities. Before you book U.s.a. visa appointment, I recommend checking the current wait times at the Bureau of Consular Affairs website to get an idea on when you can find an available slot.


PART two: Schedule US visa appointment in North and South America, parts of Europe, Africa and the Heart Eastward

Make up one's mind the country where you program to schedule your The states visa appointment. If the state is in the below list, continue with instructions here in PART 2. If not, Go Dorsum TO PART 1.


  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Kyrgyzstan


  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • Kingdom of belgium
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • France
  • Hellenic republic
  • Republic of iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italia
  • Kosovo
  • Netherlands
  • N Macedonia
  • Portugal
  • Serbia
  • Espana
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom

Centre Eastward

  • Israel
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Iran


  • Republic of angola
  • Cameroon
  • Cabo Verde
  • Congo, Dem Rep
  • Ethiopia
  • Kenya
  • Rwanda
  • Senegal
  • South Africa
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda
  • Republic of zambia


  • Canada
  • Mexico

Cardinal AMERICA

  • Belize


  • Bahama islands
  • Barbados
  • Cuba
  • Jamaica
  • Curaçao
  • Trinidad and Tobago


  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Bolivia
  • Chile
  • Republic of colombia
  • Republic of ecuador
  • Guyana
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela

01. Profile Cosmos

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Apply
US Visa Appointment Homepage

To create a profile, follow the below steps

  • Get to the Visa Information and Appointment System for the Embassy of the United States website
  • Select the country where you would like to schedule United states of america visa appointment
  • Click on "Apply" to go to the adjacent footstep

a. Sign Up

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Sign Up
Sign Upward folio

Enter the following information on the next screen.

  • Please select the status that best applies to you lot: [Comment: Select "I have completed U.Southward. Nonimmigrant Visa awarding (DS-160) form and I need to utilise for a visa" from the options]
    • I am a diplomat, other government official, Fulbright Scholar, or participant in another U.South. Government sponsored program.
    • I have completed U.S. Nonimmigrant Visa application (DS-160) form and I need to utilize for a visa.
    • I am a Company, Travel Agent, or Other Organisation that needs to schedule appointments for a group of people.
    • I demand to apply for a One thousand (Fiancé(e)/Spouse/Child) visa.
    • None of the above applies to me.

Click on "Go along" to go to the next step.

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Sign Up
New Profile page

Enter the post-obit information on the adjacent screen.

  • Given Name [Comment: Enter your given proper name from your passport]
  • Surname [Comment: Enter your surname from your passport]
  • Electronic mail [Comment: Enter your email]
  • Electronic mail Confirmation [Comment: Reenter your email]
  • Password [Comment: Enter a countersign for your contour]
  • Password Confirmation [Comment: Reenter the countersign]
  • Text Alerts [Annotate: Select the check boxes to the terms of service and privacy policy]

It is very important that the data y'all enter must match with your passport and DS-160.

Click on "Create Account" to create a new contour. You volition be taken to "Activate Your Business relationship" screen.

b. Activate Your Account

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Activate Account
Activate Your Account page
Schedule US Visa Appointment - Activate Account Email
Account Activation email
Schedule US Visa Appointment - Account Activated
Account Activated page

Check your electronic mail for an activation email from the United states visa info website. Click on the activation link in the email. You volition exist taken to the activation success screen.

Click on "Continue" to go to the side by side stride. You will be taken to the "New Applicant" Screen.

02. Applicant Data

a. New Applicant

Schedule US Visa Appointment - New Applicant
Schedule US Visa Appointment - New Applicant
New Applicant page

Enter the post-obit data

  • Given Proper name [Comment: Enter or review your given proper noun from your passport]
  • Surname [Comment: Enter or review your surname from your passport]
  • State/Potency that issued Passport [Comment: Enter the country of your passport]
  • Country of Birth [Comment: Enter your country of nascency]
  • Passport Number [Comment: Enter your passport number]
  • DS-160 Number [Annotate: Enter your DS-160 number]
  • Visa Class [Annotate: Select "B1/B2 Business & Tourism (Temporary visitor)" from options]
    • B1 Business/Conference
    • B1/B2 Business & Tourism (Temporary company)
    • B2 Tourism/Medical Treatment
    • C1 Transit
    • C1/D Crewmember in transit
    • D1 Crewmember
    • E1 Treaty Trader / Child of an E1 / Spouse of an E1
    • E2 Treaty Investor / Child of E2 / Spouse of an E2
    • E3 Australian Spec. Worker
    • E3D Spouse or Kid of an E3
    • F1 Educatee
    • F2 Spouse or Child of an F1
    • F3 Driver Student
    • H1B Speciality Occupation
    • H1B1 Chilean or Singaporean Spec. Occupation
    • H1C Nurse in shortage area
    • H2A Agricultural Worker
    • H2B Nonagricultural Worker
    • H3 Trainee
    • H4 Spouse / Child of H1B
    • H4 Spouse / Child of H1B1
    • H4 Spouse / Kid of H1C
    • H4 Spouse / Kid of H2A
    • H4 Spouse / Child of H2B
    • H4 Spouse / Child of H3
    • I Foreign Media Representative / Spouse or Kid of an I
    • J1 Exchange Visitor
    • J2 Spouse or Kid of a J1
    • L1 Intra-company Transferee
    • L2 Spouse or Child of an L1
    • M1 Pupil
    • M2 Spouse or Child of an M1
    • M3 Commuter Student
    • O1 Extraordinary Power
    • O2 Alien Accompanying/Assisting
    • O3 Spouse or Child of an O1 or O2
    • P1 Internationally Recognized Alien
    • P2 Artist/Entertainer Exchange Program
    • P3 Creative person / Entertainer in Cultural Program
    • P4 Spouse or Child of a P1, P2, or P3
    • Q1 Cultural Substitution Visitor
    • R1 Religious Worker
    • R2 Spouse or Child of an R1
    • T1 Victim of Trafficking
    • T2 Spouse of a T1
    • T3 Child of a T1
    • T4 Parent of a T1
    • T5 Sibling of a T1
    • TD Spouse or Child of a TN
    • TN NAFTA Professional
    • U1 Victim of Crime
    • U2 Spouse of a U1
    • U3 Child of a U1
    • U4 Parent of a U1
    • U5 Sibling of a U1
  • Date of Birth [Comment: Enter your date of birth]
  • Gender [Comment: Enter your gender]
  • Main Telephone [Comment: Enter your primary phone number]
  • Text Alerts [Annotate: Concord to terms of service]/li>
  • Email Address [Comment: Enter your email address]
  • Were you previously issued a visa to enter the United States? [Comment: Select "No" | Select "Yes" if you were issued a visa to the U.s. before]
  • Is the bidder traveling from another state to apply for a visa in
    [Comment: Select "No" | Select "Yeah" if you reside in a different state just will be traveling to this state for interview]

Click on "Create Applicant". You will exist taken to "Confirm Applicant and Visa Information" section

b. Confirm Applicant and Visa Information

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Review
Confirm Applicant and Visa Information folio

Enter the following data

  • Does this Visa Blazon match your travel? [Comment: Review information and select "Yes" | Select "No" if you run into any discrepancy]

c. Special Conditions

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Conditions
Special Atmospheric condition page

Enter the post-obit information

  • Select the Conditions That Apply To This Applicant [Comment: Select the appropriate choice]

Click on "Ostend" to go to "Dependents" section.

d. Dependents

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Dependents
Dependents page

Enter the post-obit information

  • Practise you want to add another applicant? [Comment: Click "No" to keep to the side by side step | Click "Yeah" if y'all accept dependents that need to nourish the interview along with you]
Schedule US Visa Appointment - Dependents
Schedule US Visa Appointment - Dependents
New Dependent page

If you clicked "Yes", enter the following details

  • Given Name [Comment: Enter or review your given name from your passport]
  • Surname [Comment: Enter or review your surname from your passport]
  • Country/Say-so that issued Passport [Comment: Enter the land of your passport]
  • State of Nascency [Comment: Enter your country of nativity]
  • Passport Number [Comment: Enter your passport number]
  • DS-160 Number [Annotate: Enter your DS-160 number]
  • Visa Class [Comment: Select "B1/B2 Business & Tourism (Temporary visitor)" from options]
    • B1/B2 Business & Tourism (Temporary visitor)
  • Date of Nascency [Annotate: Enter your appointment of birth]
  • Gender [Comment: Enter your gender]
  • Primary Phone [Comment: Enter your primary phone number]
  • Text Alerts [Comment: Agree to terms of service]
  • Electronic mail Address [Annotate: Enter your email address]
  • Were you previously issued a visa to enter the United states? [Comment: Select "No" | Select "Yes" if you were issued a visa to the The states before]
  • Is the applicant traveling from another country to apply for a visa in
    [Annotate: Select "No" | Select "Yes" if you lot reside in a different country just volition be traveling to this land for interview]

Click on "Create Applicant" to add the dependent. Echo this stride if yous demand to add more than dependents.

03. Courier Details

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Document Delivery
Courier Details page

Enter the following information

  • Document courier pick up location (no extra fee) [Annotate: Select the location where you would like to selection upward your passport from]

Click on "Continue" to go to the "Payment" section.

04. Payment

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Fee Payment
Payment Options page

On this screen, yous will see unlike payment options. At this point, the visa application is already saved. Familiarize yourself with the payment options and pick the payment method that works all-time for y'all.

Available Payment Methods

  1. Pay by Greenbacks
  2. Pay past Credit Card

a. Pay by Cash

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Fee Payment by Cash
Greenbacks Payment page

Follow the beneath steps to pay your visa fee past cash at a designated local bank

  • On this screen, select Pay past Greenbacks
  • The screen to download the instructions volition be displayed
  • Download and print the bank cash payment instructions
  • The Pin and bank account numbers are unique to your visa payment
  • Remit the verbal amount shown in the instructions at the specified bank
Schedule US Visa Appointment - Fee Payment by Cash
Cash Payment not Confirmed page

Cash payments are automatically confirmed and updated in your application inside ii business days. Go back into your application and cheque the condition of your payment. If you see a "notwithstanding not confirmed" message, just wait for onetime and bank check again.

b. Pay by Credit Bill of fare

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Fee Payment by Credit Card
Schedule US Visa Appointment - Fee Payment by Credit Card
Credit Card Payment page

Follow the below steps to pay your visa fee by credit card

  • On this screen, select Pay by Credit Carte du jour
  • Enter your Billing Address
  • Enter your Credit Menu details

Click on "Brand Payment". Your payment will be confirmed and taken to "Schedule" screen.

05. Schedule

On this screen, option the appointment and time for your fingerprints and photo date.

Click on "Continue".

Choice the appointment and time for your visa interview appointment.

Click on "Proceed".

Appointment for fingerprints and photo is ONLY REQUIRED in sure countries such as Mexico, etc.

06. Instructions

Schedule US Visa Appointment - Confirmation
Appointment Confirmation

On this screen, your fingerprints/photo appointment confirmation, U.s.a. visa interview appointment confirmation and instructions, volition exist displayed

Print your confirmations. Y'all will demand a copy of your confirmations for your fingerprints/photo and US visa interview.



Frequently Asked Questions

I need to travel urgently. How can I apply for an expedited appointment?

If need to travel to the U.s.a. urgently, yous may qualify for an expedited Us visa engagement. Keep in mind that you lot must take a stiff reason and must be able to provide documentary bear witness to testify it.

The post-obit reasons are generally considered eligible for expedited appointments.

– Medical care for self or companion
– Death or funeral of an firsthand family member
– Business related emergency travel
– Students starting or resuming study

You must outset schedule your engagement for the earliest available date. After which, you volition run into a menu detail in your dashboard chosen "Emergency Request" or "Expedited Request". Fill and submit the expedited request. If you qualify for an expedited appointment, y'all will exist notified via email with instructions to schedule your expedited engagement.

We are traveling together equally a family. How do I schedule a family engagement?

If you are traveling as a family, y'all can schedule one visa engagement for the entire family.

Follow the instructions below.

1) Create simply i profile/account for yourself (chief applicant) in the appointment organization. Add your family unit members as "dependents"

ii) On the payment folio, you will be given a single receipt number and the full visa fee corporeality (for the unabridged family) to exist paid

3) You lot must make the total visa fee payment for that receipt number

4) When the receipt number becomes active, you volition be able to schedule a single date for the entire family

5) On the day of the appointment, you all have to get in at the consulate at the scheduled time and everyone in the family volition be interviewed together

I cannot log into my account. It says my business relationship is frozen and wait for 72 hours. What should I practice?

If the appointment organization notices that your activities are suspicious, it freezes your business relationship for 72 hours. Once your business relationship is frozen, you lot will non exist able to log in for 72 hours.

I assume that the following activities tin can trigger an account freeze –

i. Going into the appointment page besides oftentimes on a given day. You will exist shown a alarm message if you accept accessed the schedule engagement page too ofttimes – "You lot are approaching the maximum number of times you may view this page. Please complete your transaction at this time."

2. Leaving the appointment page open in other tabs/browsers while you do other work.

If your account is frozen, there is not much you can do. Yous will have to wait for a skilful 72 hours to be able to access your account again.

At that place are no available appointments. My travel dates are budgeted. What should I do?

If yous are non finding any available appointments and your travel dates are approaching, trying the following.

1) Proceed an centre on the current look times in your location and also at all other locations in your country. When yous see a drop in the expect times in whatever of those locations, check for bachelor appointments in that location. You may be able to find an before appointment that style.

two) Try checking for available appointments afterwards midnight or early morning. There will be fewer people on the system, then it would be easy to find an appointment during those times.

iii) Attend your interview in another country. Look up the current wait times in other countries that are like shooting fish in a barrel for yous to travel to. You lot will have to pay the visa fee in that land again as the fee is non transferable between countries.

I want to schedule my appointment in a different country than the country in my profile. How do I change this?

The country on your account defaults to the country where you have created your account for the outset time. This is fine if you create an account and schedule your appointment in the same country.

The system besides uses the name, appointment of birth and passport number to look upward whatever duplicate accounts. So, if y'all create a new account, the organization volition flag it and volition ask you to merge.

If yous demand to change the country on your business relationship or merge your new account with the old one, you must contact USTravelDocs customer service. They have the ability to modify the default country on your profile or merge your old account with the new ane. Their customer service is very helpful in fixing such issues.

I don't desire to schedule my engagement. Can someone else use my visa fee receipt number?

When y'all make the visa fee payment, the receipt number (also referred to every bit MRV number, CGI number) will become active. One time you lot employ this receipt number to lookup available appointments, information technology's so associated with your profile. You cannot transfer the visa fee to some other applicant.

If you have never used the receipt number in your profile, you tin can have other applicants use it for scheduling their appointment.

Notation: The visa fee is valid for 1 year from the payment date. Information technology can only be used to schedule an appointment in the country where the payment was made.

I can't go far to my appointment. The organization says I cannot reschedule anymore. What should I exercise?

An date can be rescheduled for only
1) a certain number of times and
2) until certain days before your appointment.

If you are approaching the number of times you are immune to reschedule, you will meet a warning. At this indicate, you cannot reschedule any more than. If y'all go along, your date will exist canceled and your receipt number becomes unusable. You have to pay the visa fee again to schedule your appointment.

I'm renewing my visa. Do I qualify for interview waiver?

If yous are renewing your visa, you may qualify for an interview waiver if the following weather are met.

i) You lot are applying for the aforementioned type of visa as the previous visa
two) You are applying at the same location every bit your previous visa
3) Your previous visa is still valid or expired in the concluding one yr

If you authorize for an interview waiver, you lot can use the dropbox facility to submit your documents at the visa application center.

The procedure to renew a visa is the same as scheduling a new appointment. While scheduling your appointment, you volition be asked questions almost your previous visa. If you authorize for the interview waiver, the system will prompt you to use the dropbox submission. Instructions and required documentation are sent to your email.

My visa was neither approved nor denied. I was told that my instance requires administrative processing. What should I exercise?

If the visa officer is not convinced with your answers during the interview, they may result yous a Department 221 (yard) and put your case in authoritative processing. Administrative processing is required if additional background checks or verification of information is necessary.

If your case requires administrative processing, the visa officeholder will requite a yellow paper (referred to as Section 221 (grand)) and volition ask you to bank check the status of your case online. Authoritative processing unremarkably takes 4-six weeks, merely in farthermost cases, it tin can accept several months.

NOTE: Practise not check your visa status correct after your visa is approved. It will ordinarily exist administrative processing and it can cause panic. This is quite normal and US consulate would need to practise some concluding checks before attaching the visa sticker in your passport.

My visa was approved but the online condition stays it'south in administrative processing. What should I do?

Exercise not check your visa status right after your visa is approved. It will usually be in authoritative processing and it can cause panic.

Administrative processing after visa is approved is quite normal. Us consulate would need to perform some final checks before attaching the visa sticker in your passport. During this fourth dimension, your case status will be administrative process/review.

I couldn't nourish my visa date. Can I utilize the aforementioned visa fee receipt to schedule some other date?

Yes. You will be considered a "No Show" applicant. Y'all tin can use the same visa fee receipt number to schedule a new date.

After your visa interview date, your visa fee receipt number gets deactivated. Y'all accept to wait two working days for the visa fee receipt number to become agile again. Later on which, you can schedule your appointment.

While scheduling your new appointment, right afterward you enter your receipt number, y'all will be asked to select the visa priority – "Regular" or "No Prove". You must select "No Show" and go on scheduling your new appointment.



That's information technology, folks! Follow this step-past-step guide to schedule Usa visa date. If y'all have any questions or stuck at any step, experience free to comment here or email me.


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